It's the thing, I guess....


And the scale says..... it reads 1855. Hmmm....nothing is on the scale. I think it's malfunctioning. Phew...that's good. I was a little worried there for a second. Replacing the battery seems to have fixed it for now. Ok.

So I've been trying to lose weight for quite some time. I've reached a point where I'm not gaining any weight, but not losing much either. Very frustrating. The previous two weeks I've not been watching what I eat as much, not working out, and drinking rather more than I probably should. So last week I worked out every day, and was very sore. This week I'm trying really hard to eat better as well as work out, but I really don't seem to have much energy.

The nice thing about working evenings is that I can work out in the mornings. Also, since I have a short dinner break it means I usually eat frozen meals. I've been buying the small, healthy frozen meals and no junk food, so I guess I'm eating better. Also, my co-worker that sits next to me (although she's already petite) is trying to get in shape and lose weight, so we're sort of accountable to each other, even if we don't work out together.

Too bad there's no easy fix to the problem. Maybe by the time summer rolls around I'll be where I want to be in terms of fitness.


At 10:27 AM, Blogger Swany said...

no kidding about the easy fix. guess we'll just have to work hard.... keep it up!!! : )

At 10:17 AM, Blogger Eves said...

You can do it! It helps too now that the weather is getting nicer, at least it makes me motivated to be outside and more active.


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