It's the thing, I guess....


One of those days

Pretty sad when you know it's going to be "one of those days" at 6:00am on a Friday. Even sadder when it's only 7:30am and you have the entire rest of the day to deal with as well.

So far today I have:
-Woken up extremely disoriented, not knowing where I'm at, only to discover I'm in my own bed and the alarm went off (I was having a really good dream that I no longer remember).
-Forgotten a towel for the shower
-Had the cat urinate on my bath mat in front of me
-Had Chuck yell at me because I woke him up while getting mad at the cat
-Redone my hair four times because it wouldn't turn out the way I wanted it to
-Been late for work (didn't even get to stop for my morning mocha) because I couldn't get my car door open (it was frozen to the car from all the rain we had yesterday)
-Had my phone at work malfunction (it wouldn't acknowledge I signed on)
-Been cursed and screamed at for my first call of the morning by a client who called me a stupid bitch when I told them we didn't have much information about a HUMAN drug in a CAT (not my fault you gave your own medication to your cat on accident)
-Zapped by every metal thing I walk by

Oh, and to top it off, the phones have been ringing like crazy since I sat down. And as I said, it's only 7:45 in the morning. If I survive the day, buy me a drink. I think I'll need one.


At 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

definately getting a drink after work.

At 10:04 AM, Blogger Crissy said...

Well, maybe not immediately after work (seeing how I'm at 3 and really just want to take a nap) but definately this evening.

At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't yell. I asked what all the yelling and door slamming was. Then I went back to bed. And the alarm clock didn't go off. And I was 10 minutes late for work.


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