It's the thing, I guess....


Musings on paint

Since I'm starting a new job in a little over a week and won't have as much free time as I have right now, I've decided to tackle the living room and hallways. You might ask why, since I have essentially been unemployed for over 4 months, I wait until one week before I no longer have free time to start a big project like this. Several reasons: I like to procrastinate. Usually I don't feel motivated to do something until I have a deadline in sight. I'm also very indecisive when it comes to decorating, and don't have much concept of color and pairing colors together (although usually by accident things turn out ok).

So yesterday I went and bought paint for the living room, and started with 2 walls to see how it would look. I picked out a bold color and sponge painted one wall. Now, I'm not so sure I like it. I've never lived in a house with bold colors for paint (my mom likes white best-she's a neat freak), and the color I picked out (at least on the paint chip) was close to rust colored. So now I'm sitting in my living room looking at it, and it looks BRIGHT RED-ORANGE. Even worse, the paint tape I used to protect the trim is blue, so right now we have an orange and blue living room. I guess it's back to the drawing board......I'll let you know how it eventually turns out.


At 11:23 AM, Blogger Swany said...

don't be afraid of the colors!!!! the colors are your friends!

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Eves said...

Well, on the bright side (no pun intended), your living room now has a lot of Illini pride... go Illini!

At 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe you should do a bit more and take the tape down and look at it for a bit ... sometimes things don't look good until they're completed or near completion.

oh, and i like the avatar ... it really does rather look like you. :)


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