It's the thing, I guess....


Rainy Days

Why is it that on rainy days it is so hard to get motivated to do anything? I have a list of things I'm supposed to accomplish today, and all I feel like doing is curling up to take a nap. I actually got out of the house for a little while-went to lunch with friends, finally went to the bank so my atm card works again, stopped by the post office for stamps and tried to go shopping for new tennis shoes, but ended up giving up after about 40min of errand running. Of course, having a stomach full of good food and dessert doesn't help. I'm currently waiting for the caffeine to kick in from my mocha so I can get motivated to finish cleaning the house. The other bad thing about rainy days is that our backyard turns into soup, so letting the dogs out means that we spend about 10 minutes per dog to get enough mud off that the dogs can walk on the white carpet. (Honestly, who puts white carpet in a house on purpose?)

Work is going well. Tomorrow I start working evenings (3-11pm). It's not a bad shift, but I won't see much of Chuck or most of my other friends outside of work. And I will end up missing many of the good basketball games (boo!). On the plus side, I'll be making more money, so I guess things balance out in the end.

Well, I think the caffeine is finally starting to work...time to finish today's chores.


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