It's the thing, I guess....



Insomnia Cookies Apparently they have 24hr cookie delivery service for those late night cookies I've had in a long time, and they were even warm! Thanks!

To all of those trying to reach my office on the phone between 7 and 10pm: We apologize for the long wait. We were doing our best, but when there are only 10-11 people on the phones and we get 100 calls an hour during this time, we are not going to be able to answer all the calls on the first ring. Thank you for waiting.

Tonight was insanely busy. Usually our call volume is high on Thursday-Sat evenings during this time. Between 8 and 9pm tonight though, we received almost 100 calls (a ridiculous number). Unfortunately we were only able to answer approximately 69 calls (when you account for 11 total people on the shift, 2 on dinner break, one consulting only, that means only 8 people could answer phones), that equals out to about 7min per call per person (easy calls generally take 5 min, hard calls generally take upwards of 10 min). Or you could say approximately 1.5 calls were answered a minute, again an insane number. To make matters worse, people were waiting on hold an average of 7-9 minutes to talk to us. Surprisingly, few people were truly angry at the wait (or if they were angry, they kept it to themselves).

Fortunately, the higher ups recognized our efforts and rewarded us with cookies. I also treated myself to a much needed drink after work (and almost got my car stuck in the snow, but that's a story for another day). Now off to bed.


At 8:43 AM, Blogger Andrew said...

Wait! I want to hear about the car. :)

At 4:13 PM, Blogger amypfan said...

I'm getting caught up on all your posts..... I want to hear more about vacation. Please realize how jealous I am that you got to go somewhere warm and wonderful! Meanwhile, I will say that I always make it a point to be excessively nice to people who are trying to help me, especially on the phone, and anyone who yells at you is just plain mean! :)


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