It's the thing, I guess....



Grr...for some reason lately, I seem to need more sleep than usual. Most people I know generally need 8-9hrs of sleep a night, and they ususally get it (luckily for me, since I don't like dealing with grumpy people). I usually only need about 6.5-7hrs of sleep, which is more than adequate. I don't need naps, and am not tired with that amount of sleep. However, in the last 4 days, every time I have a spare minute, I seem to be falling asleep. It's rather annoying, especially wasting half your afternoon or evening taking a 2 hr nap. I don't think I'm getting sick, so why should my body tell me I need all this extra sleep?

Hmm...most likely it has something to do with bouncing back and forth between working morning and evening shifts (Thursday and Friday I worked evenings. This week I work mornings for 3 days, then evening for the weekend. Next week I swing back to mornings again). I have a feeling it's going to be a long, sleepy next few weeks.



At 7:39 AM, Blogger amypfan said...

Not me--sleep is my absolute most favorite pastime. Hopefully you're starting to feel a little better!


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