It's the thing, I guess....


Big Plans

For the first time in over 3.5 months, I have an entire weekend free (ie I don't have to work one day during the weekend, and there are no football games, plans to travel, or friends visiting, excluding Dagny's owners). This means I get to try to accomplish things. Let's see how many things on my list I can accomplish:

- Update my computer address book
- Transfer files from my old computer
- Organize the garage
- Organize the house closets
- Find things that have been missing (ie CO2 cannisters, etc)
x Bathe the rest of the dogs
x Hang outside Christmas lights (weather permitting)
- Print photos from the computer
x Make Christmas gift list (for myself and others)
x Go see a movie (haven't been to the movies in a very long time)

Hmmm, guess I'm going to have a busy weekend!


At 2:51 PM, Blogger TBK said...

I feel the exact same way, except my list includes more routine things (clean the house, go grocery shopping, rake, etc.) and more academic things (work on homework for both classes, figure out what thesis of term paper is going to be, etc.)

But all that said and done, the weekend will come and go without me accomplishing anything. I'm already looking past it -- to the three day work week and the long Thanksgiving weekend.

At 7:52 AM, Blogger amypfan said...

Hope you got some things done after the pickup of Dagny! We just got our internet hooked up yesterday so I'm attempting to catch up. Dagny is no whome safe and sound, and she and Tela are battling for alpha status!!


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