It's the thing, I guess....


Christmas in November

After such a ho-hum, depressing, boring, bad week, it's finally Friday. And what a good day it is!

Between being sad about my vet school friends returning to their respective cities, the dog eating 1.5lb of chocolate and needing treatment, sleep deprevation, waking up late for work, and Chuck being gone, it's been a really long week.

Now things are going so much better. The December schedule came out, and I have Christmas Day off! (I wasn't really expecting that). And even better, I got my biggest Christmas present early. Chuck returned from Chicago and apparently decided today would be as good a time as any to give the present to me. I finally got my new computer (as I type-online, no less-I'm sitting at the kitchen table not attached to wires). It's bigger, faster, and all around better than my old one, and even has a built in camera.

Can you tell I'm excited?


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