It's the thing, I guess....


Back on the Bandwagon

Even though January looks a long ways a way, I'm already starting to prepare for it (especially since I know it's going to take a while to get ready). We're going on a cruise in the Carribean, and I really want to look halfway decent in summer clothes in the middle of winter. I was doing well for a while at the beginning of summer, working out every day and actually losing weight. Then came summer and the schedule filled up. I stopped working out and ended up gaining all the weight I lost back.

So in an effort to lose weight (and in the process get ready for the crusie), both Chuck and I are trying to work out on a regular basis. So far this has not been going smoothly-my schedule flip-flopping from morning to evening to morning makes it hard to establish a routine, and when I do work out, I'm always sore now (I hate being out of shape).

Luckily, next month my workplace is helping out-they normally only have one fitness month a year in April, where they provide fresh fruits and veggies, eliminate all the office candy, and give whoever works out a bonus (ie a certain amount of money for swimming 50miles, running 100miles, or biking 200miles over the month). This year they decided to have 2 fitness months, and the next one is in October.

I also signed up for a water aerobics class through the park district-partly to work out, and partly to meet new people in town. I really liked the water aerobics classes while I was in vet school through the University, but I always did it with a few close friends. Last night was my first class, and I was nervous because I was doing it alone (didn't know anyone who had signed up for it), and because it was in a place I had never been before-the pool at Centennial High School. I had a lot of fun. One of my vet school professors is in the class (although I didn't recognize her at first), and there are several women around my age in it. A few of them work for Carle Hospital. It was a pretty good workout, and the instructor is allowing us to use the pool for laps for approximately 15 min before and after the class as well.

I'm only moderately sore today. It's tough getting back on the bandwagon.


Dagny Update

This post is more for Amy, Ben and Bryn than anyone.

Now that things have settled down around the house, Dagny is doing pretty well. Although we still have the guinea pig, Dagny had relinquished complete control of the office where the pig is living and now allows the other dogs to visit the pig as well.

She also successfully made another trip to stay with my parents, and did much better this time. Last time she stayed there, she had issues with my mother. This time, the adjustment went well. She only escaped from my parent's control once, and this time it wasn't entirely her fault. Last time she darted out of the house 2 or 3 times. This time my parents were prepared and had a second tie out rope that reached inside the house, so she could be attached prior to being let outside. The only incident occurred when Dagny's collar broke (the plastic attachment cracked in half), and Dagny didn't end up running too far before returning to my parent's house on her own. That reminds me...I need to go get her a new collar.

Just as we're getting rid of one temporary foster pet, we're going to gain another. The guinea pig (which belongs to Chuck's sister), will be going home finally tomorrow. My parents are leaving for vacation in a few weeks, however, and will be giving us their dog for a week. That'll make it 4 dogs and 2 cats in the house. Should be fun!

Dagny checking out the guinea pig, Calvin, on my desk

Dagny preparing to test the waters with Dave at the lake house

Dagny making a leap for the stick Chuck is throwing

Dagny fetching a stick from the water

Hardly Working

Well, not quite hardly working, but I was happy to have two days off in a row. It's been a long few weeks, and now time for an update (WARNING: Long post ahead)

First of all, football has finally started. Once again, the Illini are disappointing, and I take a lot of heat at work for having season tickets, but tailgating is fun, especially since our group is small this year. Don't get me wrong, I liked the larger tailgates, but I didn't really know most of the people in the group as well as I do the group this year.

The last weekend I had off was the first home footbally game. Since we didn't have the dogs that weekend, we were able to have a good time and spend Friday night before the game at Dave's house along with everyone else. The game was a night game, and the weather was beautiful, and as a bonus, we won.

That Sunday we went to a wedding for my friend (and former co-worker/vet school classmate), Chris. We had a good time, and I got to see many of my former co-workers from Prairie Oak along with another vet school classmate and her husband. Unfortunately we spent much of the time outside at that wedding (the reception place had a very nice terrace) and I didn't wear bug repellent-not a smart move. My legs and feet got eaten by mosquitos.

Labor Day Monday was the one summer holiday I had off this year (worked Easter, Memorial Day, and July 4th). Since we were already in the Chicago suburbs, we went to a barbeque at Chuck's cousin's house in Vernon Hills. It was nice to spend time with them. We got to see a lot of their friends (we knew many of them from time at the lake house, and some of them are going on the big cruise in January), and met their neighbors as well.

Tuesday started my nine day stretch of working. I got a call from my former boss at Prairie Oak asking if I wanted to pick up some hours in the clinic while Chris was on her honeymoon, so I decided to go for it. Unfortunately that extended my nine-day working stretch to ten days. I will have to remember not to do that to myself again if I can help it. Although most of the calls I got during that time frame were good, it is very tiring to get up that early for that many days in a row, especially since I'm not a morning person.

Thursday I worked the day at my former vet hospital, Prairie Oak. It was great to be back in the clinic, and I was fully booked for the entire day. I was also excited to see that my schedule was made up of almost entirely my former clients (ie people that used to request me as their primary vet when I worked full time there). Most of my cases were fairly routine, and I only had one critical case (a dumped kitten that I elected to try treatment instead of euthanize).

I came to the realization as I was driving home that evening that although I miss the hands-on part of clinical practice, I like my (relatively) new job better. I get to think more about my cases and learn new things all the time with my new job. I think I also have a better understanding/appreciation for internal medicine and treatment of more difficult cases with my current job than when I was in private practice.

Finally, to Friday and this weekend. It was yet again another football weekend, and early game this time. The football group came down again Friday night, but Chuck and I didn't stay the night at Dave's house this time. We were tired, and Chuck was on call. The weather once again was beautiful. Not much to report as not much exciting happened, and our team lost once again.

Next weekend should be fun as Chuck's cousins, parents, and one of his fraternity brothers are coming for the weekend and to go to the game. Now I just have to work on getting the neglected house cleaned, organized, and ready for company. Wish me luck!


Working Hard

There's been a lack of long posts from me lately, mainly because I've been so tired. Remind me the next time I decide to rearrange my work schedule that it's not good to work 9 days straight at one job, then volunteer (paid of course) to work a 10th day at a different job.

Only 3 more days till I get a day off.....


Too Early

Yes, the time listed is the actual time. I have already been at work for 20 minutes, and get to be here at the same time for the next 3 days. I just want to go back to bed now......