It's the thing, I guess....


If it's not broken

Whatever happened to the old saying "If it's not broken, don't fix it"? Sometimes I really wonder why men feel the need to keep "improving" stuff that works just fine. Sure, once in a while things are made more efficient, but most of the time it's just another headache to deal with, another step to get things done.

Take, for example, the garage door opener to our house. Keep in mind that we are only planning on living in our house for another 8 months or so until we upgrade to something larger, and we have known this for quite a while. Last summer Chuck wanted to upgrade our garage door opener to the idrive (an opener without chains or something like that). It was going to cost around $250. Our current garage door opener works just fine. Not only would it have cost us some money out of pocket, but then there's the time involved tearing out the old system, installing the new system, figuring out how it works, reprogramming all the garage door openers, and there are no guarantees the thing would even work-Chuck's parents bought the same system for their garage and it wouldn't work, then they bought a replacement and that one stopped working after a month or so. (I convinced him not to buy the idrive until our next house).

Second example: I wanted to play my own music while cleaning the house today instead of listening to the radio. Normally to do this I would have to put my cd into the DVD player and The second option was to go through the tivo menu, select Chuck's server, choose the CD, and off I go. For his birthday, Chuck bought a Mac mini to plug into our TV, so we have more storage space for recording shows, music, etc (again, something that really isn't necessary or even all that more efficient). He plugged it in last night, disconnected some things, and now the TV's all messed up-I can't figure out how to play a simple CD on our system, let alone try to play video games during the day. So now I have to listen to the crappy music on the radio.

I don't think I'll ever understand men and their gadgets.


At 8:06 AM, Blogger Swany said...

best not to try and understand. it's one of the great mysteries of life.


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