It's the thing, I guess....


Lost in translation

I realized there's been a dearth of posts on my blog lately. The thing is, I have lots of thoughts going on in my head about good posts and topics I want to comment on, but when I actually go to write, the thoughts just don't translate well to written words.

Of course, it probably doesn't help that my house is in shambles right now, either. I'm currently in the middle of my latest paint project-painting the home office. My computer no longer has a working wireless port, so I have to have it plugged into the wall to hop online and write. This means sharing the laptop with Chuck while the office is out of order.

About that paint job....I picked out the technique I wanted to use, and picked out what I thought were nice colors. Somehow, halfway through the painting, I'm not so sure I like what I've picked out. The walls that are mostly finished look good, but it doesn't go well with the rest of the house. I may end up changing it in the end, but I'll post photos before I do.

Now...things I want to post about, but can't seem to translate:
Thoughts on our foster dog
My latest shift at the Animal Emergency Clinic
Comments on emergencies in general
Crazy callers (aka whackitrons)
The overabundence of spiders around our house (and the creepy spider website)
Moving time-the apartments by our house are full of moving trucks and families moving their kids back to college

That about sums it up for now.


At 2:49 PM, Blogger amypfan said...

I totally relate to the too many things to say and too little time, as will be reflected in my post today, if I ever manage to finish my rambling enough to publish it. :) I hope Dagny is being good for you!!!


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