It's the thing, I guess....


Sleep Interrupted, Again

I finally got one full night's uninterrupted sleep (oddly when Chuck wasn't home). Unfortunately it wasn't last night. I'm just a little mad right now (probably because of disruption in my plans). Last night I worked until 11:30pm, got home just before 12am. I tried to go to bed, but Chuck kept tossing and turning, so I didn't actually fall asleep until close to 1:30am. I planned on sleeping in a little (being Saturday and all). The phone rang at 9:10 am-it's a realtor wanting to show the house at 10am. Since we have to be out of the house at least 15 min prior to the showing (in case they show up early), I didn't have enough time to wake up, straighten the house, shower, and leave. So I cut out the shower part. Chuck and I went to breakfast, and arrived back home at 10:50 (note-20 min after the time the house was supposed to be shown).

Many times the realtor doesn't leave an indication that they've been through the house, and so when we arrived home, it wasn't unexpected to see that all the lights were still on and no business card was left. I hopped into the shower around 11:10am (40 min after the house was supposed to be shown), and sure enough, the people come by to walk through the house just at that moment. Not even a phone call from the realtor to say they're running that late. I guess we're just supposed to be out of the house all day (forget doing yard work or running errands or even taking a shower before going to work at 3pm, because I guess people aren't supposed to have plans on Saturday). Let's just say I was a little ticked off.

Needless to say, I don't think those people will be buying the house.


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